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Cancer Treatment in Germany Medical Centers, Hospitals

What is Cancer

Cancer can start anywhere in the human body. It’s the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Normally, in human body cells grow and decomposed into new cells as the body requirement. Cancer develops when the normal working mechanism of body stops. In human body when cells grow old, than these cells die and new cells takes place. But when old cells grow out of control and does not die, they forming new abnormal cells and these cells known as tumor. Tumor can be cancerous or not. Cancerous tumor means it can grow and spread to entire parts of body, whereas normal tumor can grow but it’s not spread.

How Cancer Arises

Normally cancer arises due to of genetic changes. Changes in genes that control the functionality of cells that how the grow and divide. Genetic changes that causes cancer can be inherited through the parents. Every human who has a cancer due to of unique genetic changes. One another reason is also a lifestyle such as drinking,smoking,tobacco and also the radiation such as UV rays from sun etc.

Common Types of Cancer

  • Blood cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Brain cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer etc.

Symptoms of Cancer

The symptoms or sign depends on the where the cancer is, its size and how much it affect the tissues. Cancer is  grow, it can start to push the blood vessels,organs and nerves. But sometimes its starts in part of body where it won’t cause any symptom until it grows large.

  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Changes in bowel habit
  • White patches inside the mouth
  • Sores that do not heal
  • Unusal bleeding

Prevention from Cancer

  • Maintain body weight
  • Do exercise every day
  • Abstain from Calorie dense food
  • Follow healthy diet

Treatment of Cancer

There are various types of cancer treatment. Type of treatment depends upon type of cancer and how advanced it is. Cancer can be treated by Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, Targeted therapy and synthetic lethality. Therapy depends upon the tumor, stage of disease.

Surgery is used to take out the cancer but not for all kind of cancer. Whereas chemotherapy uses the drugs to kill the cells of cancer or reduces their growth. Radiation is also used to kill the cells or reduced their growth rate. It can be used with surgery or chemo or alone also.

Side Effects of Treatment

Cancer treatment can cause side effects that occur when the treatment affects healthy tissues. Effects of treatment may vary from person to person. Some people have many side effects or some have few. It depends upon the type of treatment and what amount of treatment is given. Some patients may be faced long terms effects. Some common effects of treatment are:

  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Appetite loss
  • Sleep problem
  • Mouth and throat problems etc

Cancer Medical Tourism Treatment in Germany

Germany healthy system is one of the best systems not only in Europe but also in entire the world. Germany hospital industries have been a primary health travel destination in Europe for several of years and continue to lead today. Patients from different countries who have the resource to pay for high quality healthy service, Germany is a primary choice.

Explore Online Treatment in Germany. Compass Medical helps you find affordable Medical Centers in Germany.
